The Hungarian Public Administration and Organization Development Research Institute (HUNADI) was established in 2005 with the aim of being a patriotical committed, practice-oriented, tradition-based – that is conservative – and open to innovation thinktank of public administration-development, in a broader sense: management and organizational development thinking.
Following the launch of HUNADI in 2005, he took an active part in the professional work of Civil Governance 2006, which resulted in the Magyary Report (cadaster of public administration organizations and tasks). Until 2010 the HUNADI organized the events of the Magyary Regular-table.
HUNADI’s administrative development considerations have been integrated into the Magyary Program 11.0 and 12.0 government programs. In 2014, a study entitled “Thoughts for Magyary 2020” was published.
HUNADI has been involved in the preparation and evaluation of a number of legislation, in particular the performance evaluation of public administration organisations.
Since 2015, HUNADI has been actively involved in the elaboration, development and implementation of the Digital Success Programme.
The research results of HUNADI are continuously integrated into the subject, course offering of the National University of Public Service, especially in the form of lectures on public administration development and digital government.